
Version 0.0.2 Documentation


NameDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
VERIFIER_EMAILMust be an existing email on behalf of which verification will be performedYes
VERIFIER_DOMAINMust be an existing domain on behalf of which verification will be performed.Noverifier domain based on verifier email
EMAIL_PATTERNYou can override default regex patternNo/(?=\A.{6,255}\z)(\A([\p{L}0-9]+[\w\p{L}.+!~,’&%#*^`{}
SMTP_ERROR_BODY_PATTERNYou can override default regex patternNo/(?=.*550)(?=.*(user
CONNECTION_TIMEOUTConnection timeout in seconds.No2
RESPONSE_TIMEOUTA SMTP server response timeout in seconds.No2
CONNECTION_ATTEMPTSTotal of connection attempts.
This parameter uses in mx lookup timeout error and smtp request (for cases when there is one mx server).
WHITELISTED_EMAILSYou can predefine which type of validation will be used for domains.
Also you can skip validation by domain.
Available validation types: :regex, :mx, :mx_blacklist, :smtp
This configuration will be used over current or default validation type parameter
All of validations for ‘’ will be processed with regex validation only.
And all of validations for ‘’ will be processed with mx validation only.
It is equal to empty hash by default.
config.validation_type_for = { ‘’ => :regex, ‘’ => :mx }

Optional parameter. Validation of email which contains whitelisted emails always will
return true. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_for
BLACKLISTED_EMAILSValidation of email which contains blacklisted emails always will return false. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_forNoIt is equal to empty array by default.
WHITELISTED_DOMAINSValidation of email which contains whitelisted domain always will return true. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_forNoIt is equal to empty array by default.
BLACKLISTED_DOMAINSValidation of email which contains blacklisted domain always will return false. Other validations will not processed even if it was defined in validation_type_forNoIt is equal to empty array by default.
WHITELIST_VALIDATIONWith this option Truemail will validate email which contains whitelisted domain only, i.e. if domain whitelisted, validation will passed to Regex, MX or SMTP validators.
Validation of email which not contains whitelisted domain always will return false.
BLACKLISTED_MX_IP_ADDRESSESWith this option Truemail will filter out unwanted mx servers via predefined list of ip addresses. It can be used as a part of DEA (disposable email address) validations.NoIt is equal to empty array by default.
DNSThis option will provide to use custom DNS gateway when Truemail
interacts with DNS. Valid port numbers are in the range 1-65535. If you won’t specify
nameserver’s ports Truemail will use default DNS TCP/UDP port 53. By default Truemail
uses DNS gateway from system settings and this option is equal to empty array.
NOT_RFC_MX_LOOKUP_FLOWThis option will provide to use not RFC MX lookup flow.
It means that MX and Null MX records will be cheked on the DNS validation layer only.
NoBy default this option is disabled.
SMTP_PORTSMTP port number.No25
SMTP_FAIL_FASTThis option will provide to use smtp fail fast behavior. When smtp_fail_fast = true it means that Truemail ends smtp validation session after first attempt on the first mx server in any fail cases (network connection/timeout error, smtp validation error). This feature helps to reduce total time of SMTP validation session up to 1 second.NoBy default this option is disabled.
SMTP_SAFE_CHECKThis option will be parse bodies of SMTP errors. It will be helpful if SMTP server does not return an exact answer that the email does not exist
NoBy default this option is disabled, available for SMTP validation only.